BCE was originally set up to operate a municipal compost facility. Pretty quickly attention was focused on the fact that there was a lot of garbage in the compost stream.
With high labour costs due to having to continually cut garbage off the windrow turner drum (plastics, christmas tree lights, wires etc etc), or burn plastic and fibre out of the trommel drum screen, there simply had to be a better way. By the time compost could be prepared and screened for sale, a good gust of wind could blow plastic into the product rendering it unsalable. Morale was low, and it was difficult to keep customers.
Although there are machines on the market that can separate light plastic from compost with varying degrees of success, none can guarantee performance, and certainly not under tough conditions—rather disappointing considering the significant price tags on some of these machines. Driven by this irksome situation, necessity required invention and innovation. This is how BCE’s patented and patents pending contaminant separation technology came into being.
Today, BCE can offer customers separation technology that can clean up material to an unprecedented standard using a fraction of the energy of even the smallest vacuum system on the market today, without the blockages and fussing around. We are very proud of this achievement, and look forward to sharing it with other facility operators who are beset with garbage infested compost and screening overs.
Composting At -35℃